

I must confess. I love onions. I will put onions on everything I eat, I even saw a recipe for an onion cake I would like to try. I believe this comes from a trick that my aunt and uncle played on me when I was a kid. They offered me an apple, it really was an onion. I liked it and haven't stopped eating them since!
Onions are truly the food of the gods. They have been around longer than almost any other vegetable. So long, in fact, that it's origins really can't even be traced. They contain a flavonoid that helps with free radical in your body. Even more than tea and apples.
For those of you who don't care for them, here are some tips to make you more onion friendly.
If they seem too strong for you raw, cut and soak them for one to two hours in some ice water, that will take the sting out.
If crying while cutting is a problem, refrigerate them first and cut the root part last. I also suggest rinsing in cold water after taking off the skin and ends.
Always cook the onion on a low heat. They tend to become bitter when cooked on high heat, and never store onions and potatoes together if you want to keep them both fresh and flavorful.
Today I broiled brats, and steamed corn on the cob for our holiday celebration. I also caramelized some onion for the brats. Here's how I do it.
Chop up an onion in medium size pieces. Put some oil in a pan add about two to three tablespoons of sugar and put your onions in. Cook on low to medium heat till onions are deep golden brown. Take out of the pan and drain and pat with paper towel. Add to brats, hamburgers, hot dogs, on top of steak or just eat them alone! MMMmmmmmmmm!